Thursday, November 19, 2015

Film Review - Man Up (2015)

Man Up stars Lake Bell as Nancy a single 34 year old woman living in England who goes to an engagement party mainly at the behest of her sister who wants her to get out there more and find a man, whilst heading to London one day she accidentally comes across Jack (Simon Pegg) and the two then hit it off.

I was keen for this film primarily because of Simon Pegg himself, ever since seeing Hot Fuzz in 2007 I have followed his work as much as I can ever since and he along with Nick Frost and Edgar Wright have pretty much earnt a free pass from me so could this new film with Pegg be good?

No it wasn't, this has to be the worst comedy I have seen all year worse than Vacation even which I loathed sitting through but at least had 2 moments in it that made me smile but this I just sat there cringing at the unfunny and really just weird humour and I hate saying this because I love Pegg and he and Lake Bell have a real chemistry but the script just has them both constantly fighting and arguing and bickering over and over and over again and after a couple of scenes I just got sick of it and wanted something more sincere.

But the biggest offence this film has is the character played by Rory Kinnear, he is a good actor but his character is just borderline repulsive in the way he goes about pining for Nancy and just treating her really really badly and I just thought to myself "YOU CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE, IT's JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!" and that was the point where I began to really hate this movie.

And so that was Man Up one of the worst films I've seen this year and I hate saying that being the fan of Simon Pegg that I am but I have to, if only he had rewritten this crummy script as he and Bell deserve so much better than this, 1 out of 5.

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