Thursday, January 1, 2015

Film Review - Horrible Bosses 2 (2014)

Horrible Bosses 2 stars Charlie Day, Jason Bateman and Jason Sudeikis as three men who come up with their own idea called the Shower Buddy and go to a successful businessman played by Christoph Waltz and his son played by Chris Pine to make a deal but they renege on the deal so the three men decide to go to drastic measures to recover their investment.

Going into this film I was very unsure as I had not seen the first Horrible Bosses film but I loved the cast of Pine, Waltz, Day, Bateman as well as Jamie Foxx who is really on a roll lately thanks to Django Unchained so could this deliver a satisfactory product?

Surprisingly it did, I had a fair bit of fun with this film mainly because I thought that the humour was mostly on point and I did have a fairly good chuckle at some of the jokes, Pine and Foxx were also fairly effective in their roles in that I enjoyed both of them very much as well as Waltz in the small role he has.

However this film is also about 20 minutes too long for its own good, I am really getting fed up with these silly little action and comedy films being nearly 2 hours long when at best they should be 80 to 100 minutes long and not one second longer and also Charlie Day is criminally wasted here, anyone who has seen him as Benny the Astronaut in the Lego Movie knows he can be very funny but here he's put in a straight jacket and Bateman and Sudeikis just trade lines and it gets really annoying watching those 2 argue after a while.

But to wrap this up Horrible Bosses 2 is more hit than miss and I was nicely surprised, 2 and a half out of 5.

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