Saturday, June 2, 2012

Film Review - Dream House (2012)

Dream House stars Daniel Craig as Will, an editor at GPH Publishing who quits his job to spend more time with his wife Libby (Rachel Weisz) and their two daughters in their new country home, but there is more to the house than meets the eye.

I went into Dream House with low expectations, having not heard good reviews for it but I saw that Craig was in it and that was pretty much the reason I decided to check it out, was it worth it?

Frankly, no this was a terrible movie and not just that it has a confusing storyline which goes all over the place and frequently has you thinking "None of this makes any Sense" but it's also really really dull to watch I mean there are numerous times where I checked the time as it's just so boring.

But what's worst of all is that you get the overall sense that you've been here before, with movies like the Shinning (Sorry that should be the Shining) and the Amityville Horror doing similar types of stories to this one, I give Craig a lot of credit of trying with all the will in the world to save the ship from sinking with all hands lost but it just looks more like him racing for the lifeboat before it sinks, Weisz and Watts are just wasted and you can see it written all over their faces as you watch the film.

So all in all, rent Amityville or the Shinning (Shining) instead, heck do a double bill of both of you want, just rent those instead of this movie, .5 out of 5.

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