Saturday, June 30, 2012

Film Review - Brave (2012)

Brave is the latest film from Pixar studios and this time has a female lead, Princess Merida of the Scottish Highlands (Kelly McDonald) who wants to fire her arrows and ride through the highlands on her horse, but her and her mother (Emma Thompson) butt heads over her fate so Merida rides out to change her fate.

I went into Brave with moderate hopes, setting the film in the Scottish Highlands immediately made me think of one of my all time favourite movies Highlander with Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery plus with Pixar doing another original storyline had me hoping that this would be rebound after last year's Cars 2, so does this film feel the Quickening?

Well in the first half of the film I would definitely say yes it does, the film is very funny and I smiled at the visuals which looked fantastic plus I really liked Merida as a character, she was strong, independent and seem to be someone who took charge, McDonald plays the part beautifully and its hard not to get on her side almost right away.

However there are two halves to this film and the 2nd half loses its head and stumbles about as if it were the Headless Break man from Springfield's Sprousse Kaboose, the mother/daughter story becomes less interesting and you begin to sit there in your seat and become bored with the whole film.

But the biggest problem with Brave is this: the film lacks a villain like the Kurgan from Highlander to both unify the story and make it come together into a cohesive whole plus give Merida a worthy adversary to face off against as the one she does face off against feels really lame and I couldn't help but groan somewhat when I watched it, plus it would've made the beginning feel stronger as well knowing that a great threat was out there waiting to devour the four kingdoms.

In addition to Brave there was a Pixar short called La Luna before the main feature, this short was quite cute and well worth the time if you arrive early off for your session of the main film that follows it.

So all in all, Brave feels the Quickening at first but then has its head chopped off story wise at the midway point and just left me feeling somewhat disappointed on the whole despite the strong lead and beautiful visuals, 2 out of 5.

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